Pokemon Pathways

It’s another day and another Pokémon fan-fiction game is here. We are going to do a brief analysis of the Pokemon Pathways rom. Further, we will also discuss some of the unique features of this game that make the Pokémon Pathways game distinct in the market.

These unique characteristics and features of the game include – character customization, difficulty modes, improved graphics, enhanced Pokédex, legendary Pokémon, etc.

Pokémon Pathways – An Overview

The game is a role-playing game where your choices shape your story. Throughout the game, you get to interact with various trainers and Pokémon.

The game is in typical Pokémon format. This game was developed by Gray Hatred. The story of Pokémon Pathways is well designed where you get to fight through various trainers and gym leaders. The gameplay has interesting and immersive graphics.


Any game stands out by the features it offers to its players. And talking of features, the Pokémon Pathways game comes with its own set of highlighting features that make it different from the other RPG games in the market. These features are as under:

  • Player’s Choice – The choices that you make as a player in the game are the foundation pillars that will shape your destiny. Yes, the game takes you on a path where the player’s choice will shape their future.
  • Character Customisation – The Pokémon Pathways game offers you various options to customize your character. These options for customization include – customizing genders, hair, face color, facial features, etc.
  • Character Stats – Every character has their own set of strengths. Thus, in the game, you get to build your intrinsic character based on the choices you will make in the game. The parameters for Character stats include – intelligence, charm, strength, and skill.
  • Energy – This is also a character stat that will determine the task you could do in a day. Every activity you do in the game requires a certain amount of energy to be performed. This feature keeps track of that.
  • Interaction – The interaction determines the time you spend playing the game and coming across, and interacting with various characters.
  • Reputation – Reputation further refers to how people perceive you in the game. The positive or negative image you have created is based on the choices you have made.
  • Academic perks – Winning the activities of the club will grant you further perks in the game.
  • NPC Affinity – NPCs are the students of your classes. You can form a healthy bond with them and they will further help your character through some gifts.
  • Schooling system – You are in a school and dorm environment where you are expected to complete your homework on time and attend regular classes.
  • Save points – You can only save the game when your Character is enjoying a good nap time.
  • Multiple save files – You can have at most 8 different save files. This feature sets you in a parallel universe of your own character. You can now experience various worlds with various character stats and choices made at the same time.

Story of the Pokémon Pathways

The story of the Pokémon Pathways game is inspired by games like Undertale and Persona, where your choices shape your destiny.

The game doesn’t have the typical Pokémon format where your character is either a trainer or gym leader. Rather in the Pokémon Pathways game, your character is a student who regularly goes to school and starts the day with a certain amount of energy. You then have to utilize this energy to increase the character stat and progress in the game.


Pokemon Pathways Download

Game NamePokemon Pathways
Based onRPG Maker XP


And with this, we are now towards the end of the blog. In this blog, we saw a brief description of the Pokémon Pathways game. We further analyzed the factor that sets this game apart from most of the other games available online.

To learn more about the Pokémon Pathways game, you can also check out this video, made by the very developer of the game, I.e., Gray Hatred.

Source: Pokemon Pathways

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